There is really nothing quite like a good cup of coffee. Whether you enjoy making your own coffee at home, or you prefer to patronize a local coffee shop, the more you know about coffee, the more you will enjoy it. This article will share a few interesting tidbits about this most popular of drinks.
If you want to get the most coffee for the least amount of price, clip coupons. Coffee is nothing special when it comes to this. Clipping the right coupons and saving them for double coupon days can really add up the savings, for both coffee and related commodities like creamer.
If you like a delicate flavor in your coffee, try adding some right to the pot while it's brewing. A pinch of cinnamon or a few drops of vanilla will add flavor to the brew. Flavoring your coffee this way will keep the flavor from being too overwhelming, and you won't need cream or milk.
The human body needs at least four hours to eliminate caffeine. You should keep this in mind if you want to drink a cup of coffee before going to bed. It is best to drink a decaffeinated beverage if you need to go to sleep within the next few hours.
If your coffee maker is aged or an economy model, brew hot water before you brew the actual coffee to get the most flavor. Once the hot water is ready, put the coffee grounds in and return the water to the coffee machine. You will have the hottest water that will make the best coffee.
If you want to help the Earth out a little in your coffee habit, then buy filters that are reusable. These will spare you from wasting a lot of paper filters in the future. This is green for the planet, and saves the green in your wallet. Many reusable filter enthusiasts also think their coffee tastes better this way.
To get the best possible coffee, look for the ones that are made of 100% Arabica beans. These beans are of top quality and will give you the best taste after you are finished brewing. Furthermore, these beans preserve their freshness longer so that you can have great coffee for a very long time.
Rinse off your coffee filter before placing it inside of the coffee maker. The coffee filters may have fibers or plastic on them when you take them out of the plastic packaging. If you leave these items on the filter, they will end up in your coffee when it brews.
In order to store coffee, you don't need to use a freezer. Coffee picks up smells and flavors from other foods kept in the freezer. The best place to keep your coffee is in an airtight, opaque container at room temperature. If you insist on freezing or refrigerating it, place it in a sealed freezer bag.
There is a lot of different choices in coffee makers. Most people have the standard drip brew machine that makes about 12 cups at a time. Some of the latest models of coffee makers use individual pods, and make only one cup. These machines work very fast, and are great for people in a hurry.
The best coffee makers actually extract the essence of the bean. Drip coffee makers do not do this. Find an inexpensive French press and taste the difference. A French press will extract the oils from the bean and put them in your cup as opposed to a drip coffee maker which will leave them in the filter.
Before you buy a coffee maker, make sure that is uses grinding burrs that are either conical or flat. If you do, you will find that there is not as much heat created. This lets your coffee remain delicious. Grinders with blades can be inconsistant. Many grinders generate heat and can burn your coffee beans.
To control the strength of your coffee, watch the size of your grind. In this case, coffee is a lot like garlic. The tinier you dice (or grind) it, the more potent the flavor you'll get when cooking or brewing. If you are looking for a milder flavor, then keep your grind rather large.
If you are planning to grind your own coffee beans, you should know that the type of grinder you choose can make a big difference in taste. Experts recommend using one that features flat grinding burrs. Blade grinders can actually generate enough heat to burn or scald the coffee beans and ruin the flavor.
Keep your coffee machine clean. Once you are done drinking coffee, you should rinse the coffee pot and remove the coffee grounds. Rinse the machine as best as you can and run hot water through it at least once a week to clean it thoroughly. Do not leave coffee or grounds in your machine for more than an hour.
If you are grinding your own coffee, the medium grind is preferable for regular purposes. It works great for the home drip brewer. It should be around the consistency of common table salt when you are done. Practice with your own machine until you learn what produces flavors you prefer.
If you love the great taste of freshly brewed coffee, stay away from the grocery store. The beans you can grind on the coffee aisle say "fresh," but have been sitting there for quite some time. Instead, go directly to the roaster's website. Many places will ship your beans within a day or two of roasting, giving you maximum freshness!
Proper measuring of the coffee grounds is necessary to produce the perfect cup of coffee. Measure two-level tablespoons of ground coffee for each cup of coffee you are brewing. A "cup" of coffee contains six ounces of water. If your coffee maker came with a scoop, check to see that it holds two tablespoons before using it.
Now that you have finished reading this article, you should have gained a new respect for your favorite beverage. If you need to know how to brew a better cup of coffee, or you just want to understand how coffee is grown, the information in this article should have helped you out.
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